Friday, July 8, 2011


Leah and I took a trip to the Zoo. A really good day - bright and sunny!
I also watched the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II premiere, and during the speeches I completely lost it. They were so heartbreakingly emotional, especially Jo's. I'll stop there because if I were to go on I would never, ever stop. This has been the best day of summer 2011 so far.

brown bear

indian elephants. so sad to see their front legs chained together.
favourite picture of the day - mother and baby rolling around in the dirt.

unfortuately the holes werent big enough to stick my lens through - but still ended up with a good shot!

leopard. majestic like anything.

binturong - aka. davy crockett hat!

i am terrified of snakes and was so creeped out taking this photo!

my pal nigel.

a stunning female peacock.


sun bear - unfortunately he was being taunted by two teenage boys and was getting very agitated!

king julian.

this was the most adorable thing - an orangutan and her baby sitting right by the glass. 


  1. Oh, I love these pictures. You have a great eye.

  2. Oh, I love each and every one of these photos!
    Great shots of the peacocks, I always find them so pretty. I also really like the dark tones in your photos :)

  3. Great pictures. I love the zoo, although it's sometimes very sad if the animals don't have enough space.
    I'm going to HP tomorrow. can't wait:)


I really appreciate every comment left, thank you for brightening my day!